COMOX, B.C- Three pianos are back in Comox for anyone to play this summer.
According to a news release from the Comox Business Association, the three pianos are meant for everyone to enjoy. They’ve been installed at the Comox Marina, the Comox Mall, and the Potting Shed at Filberg Park.
The piano located at the marina was originally donated by Audrey and Ray Craig. It has an “under the sea” theme, done by local artist Kelly Maguire.
The second piano at the mall was donated by Beaufort Family Dental, and decorated by Kelly Everill. Everill decorated the piano with a “fun them” featuring a smiling Tooth Fairy.
The piano at Filberg Park was inspired by trees in the area, with artist David Thrasher decorating the instrument with multiple types of trees found in the park.
All three of the instruments were put into place by Comox Moving and Storage. They’ll be in place “for the balance of the summer”, according to the release.