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HomeNewsLNG deal receives mixed reception

LNG deal receives mixed reception

Story by Tommy Wang, Vista Radio

VICTORIA, B.C. – The idea of this new LNG project in northern BC isn’t sitting well with some.

The BC Green Party isn’t a fan of it and neither is the Sierra Club of BC.

The near $40 billion project is expected to create thousands of jobs and have a positive economic impact as well.

However, forest and climate campaigner Jens Wieting said there are other factors that outweigh those benefits the LNG project brings and it sends the wrong signal to the rest of the world.

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“The message we are sending to the rest of the world is that we will continue with fossil fuel development and increase greenhouse emissions instead of reducing them as the government promised. This project will have very severe consequences from an increase in wildfires, to floods, to droughts.”

Andrew Weaver, the BC Green Party’s leader and his caucus won’t be supporting the LNG deal. He believes it will lead to the failure of the government’s promise to meet climate targets of reducing 40 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

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