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HomeNewsFerries improving its reservation system

Ferries improving its reservation system

Story by Tommy Wang, Vista Radio

Changes are coming to the reservation system for BC Ferries.

It has been in the works for the last few years and the company has also been looking at ways to improve that system and their website.

“The system will be similar to the systems that are being used when people want to book a flight,” said Media Spokesperson Darin Guenette.

“It will essentially help us enable more opportunities for customers to book specific sailings before they go on the ferries. So you’ll be able to look up what day and time you want to travel and then you book it that way. Ultimately we’d like to see a system where we can have different pricing for different sailing times too.

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Once the new system is in place, instead of making your reservation online and paying at the booth, you’d be asked to pay the fees upfront, and there would be no additional reservation fees like the ones that are in place now.

A specific timeline for when this new system will be rolled out hasn’t been determined yet.

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