In-person Courtenay city council meetings are coming back starting Monday.
Delegates, spectators, and council members will still have the option to attend the meetings virtually.
“Local governments across the province recognized and experienced some of the benefits of electronic participation during the pandemic, and now that we have the blessing of the province to continue these virtual options permanently, the hope is more folks will continue watching and participating in meetings in whatever way works best for them,” said Courtenay Mayor Bob Wells. “Parents won’t have to worry about childcare to watch a meeting or attend as a delegation from home, and our residents can tune into the YouTube live stream on their phones from wherever they happen to be. We are excited to be taking advantage of these new opportunities that are now available to us. It will also be wonderful to once again have the option for in-person attendance at council meetings for those that wish to do so.”
Public hearings are only being held virtually.
The council meetings and hearings can be viewed on the City of Courtenay’s YouTube channel.
Masks are required at the meetings for those aged 12 and older, but proof of vaccination is not needed.