Twenty-six 4-H clubs in B.C. have received funding from the national club, including three in the Comox Valley.
The Comox Valley 4-H Calf Club and Shamrock Gumbooters clubs in Black Creek along with the Comox Valley District Senior Council have received funding from the FCC 4-H Club Fund.
The local organizations say they provide opportunities for youth to be responsible through the care of agriculture and livestock.
The national organization says it provides up to $500 in funding per club, per district. It says the funding is used to support existing programs, purchase new resource materials, provide volunteer supports or cover costs with local events.
“Many of our customers and employees have benefited from 4-H programs. Others have seen first-hand the excitement and enthusiasm in the faces of young people participating in these activities,” said Todd Klink, FCC’s chief marketing officer.
“Whether or not those who participate in a 4-H club decide to pursue a career in agriculture, these programs provide a toolbox of leadership skills they can carry with them the rest of their lives.”
Other 4-H clubs on the Island that received funding include Fowl Creatures 4-H Poultry in North Saanich, Cowichan 4-H Small Engines and Cowichan 4-H Holstein Club in Duncan.
READ MORE: 4-H British Columbia receives another boost