In short, a co-op is a co-operatively owned and democratically controlled business that strikes a balance between profit and supporting members and community as a whole. And that’s just the first way Peninsula Co-op backs up every community you can find them in.
Co-operatives have been around for a long time, but over the past few years they have
been gaining attention due to their ethical and sustainable approach to doing business.
Peninsula Co-op considers how they affect communities on a social level, and how they can have a positive impact.
Equal Say for Every Member
Anyone can become a part of Peninsula Co-op! No matter where you live, what you do for work, or where your family is from; every member has an equal say and every vote matters. Member-owners vote for a co-op’s board of directors, and unlike many businesses, each member has an equal share in the company.
Peninsula Co-op is 100% locally-owned by our members and keep all of our profits right
here, in our community. Every year, Peninsula Co-op gives half a million dollars to
charities, community groups and projects that make a difference in the lives of
Islanders like you.
Make Your Money Back
One of the best reasons to be a Peninsula Co-op member – The annual rebate! Every
year members earn a cash rebate that can help offset fuel or other purchases. That means
you’re earning money on the things you would be spending money on anyways. Most
people earn back the one time 27-dollar membership fee in the first few months! Once
you’re a member – that’s it! No annual fees, or hidden costs, and tons of ways to benefit.
The more you choose Peninsula Co-op, the more they can invest in our community and
return profits to their members. Not a member? Join today at