The Town of Comox is looking to make the area more appealing for youth, and a location for a skatepark and pump track is being researched.
The search is following recommendations from the 2021 Comox Youth Recreation Report.
Geotechnical survey work will determine the suitability and possibility of locations and a community consultation will begin to decide the final location.
The town adds a well-designed multi-use skatepark can bring a range of demographics from toddlers to seniors, those with disabilities, those in wheelchairs and bikers and skaters.
Mayor Nicole Minions says there is lots of talk about the potential for the skatepark in the community.
“It is exciting to narrow down a potential site location where the conditions are suitable, and the environment is a safe but vibrant place to participate in activity,” said Minions.
More information about the progress of the skatepark will be posted on the town’s website.