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HomeNewsComox ValleyRCMP seek information about suspicious incidents

RCMP seek information about suspicious incidents

Comox Valley RCMP is looking for more information as they investigate reports of suspicious behaviour in the MacDonald Wood Park and Goose Spit areas.

Between Oct. 11 and Oct. 20, RCMP say they received two reports about the behaviour. On Oct. 11, they responded to a call about a woman’s concern about being followed by an individual at Goose Spit at around 4:30 p.m.

The description was of a young man, around 25-years-old, six feet tall with light brown hair and wearing a beige/grey hoodie and black track pants, according to police.

The second incident happened at MacDonald Wood Park at around 4 p.m. Officers say a young woman reported a similar experience and described a man around 25-years-old with light coloured hair and sparse facial hair, around five feet, eight inches tall, wearing a baseball cap and a yellow reflective vest and black pants.

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RCMP add these incidents have been shared on social media, prompting more reports from the community over the past few days.

“We want to assure the public that our special victims unit is actively investigating these reports. We are diligently gathering evidence and conducting interviews with witnesses,” said media relations officer Cst. Monika Terragni.

“We kindly request anyone who may have observed any suspicious behaviour in the area recently or has information about these incidents to come forward.”

Terragni adds that “this serves as a reminder for everyone to take safety precautions when out in the community, such as letting someone know your whereabouts, vary your route, take your cell phone or a friend and listen to loud music.”

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If you have any information about the incidents, you are asked to contact Comox Valley RCMP at 250-338-1321 and refer to file 2023-16776.

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